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Polygon AI
- Core

Polygon AI is an advanced AI solution for the unity engine.



Flexibility & Customizeable

Tons Of Integrations

Enhance Your Project With Advanced AI Characters

Polygon AI System adds living entities that act naturally to your game environment. It is highly customizable, adaptable, and integrates seamlessly with the majority of the most popular unity assets. Your only limitation with Polygon AI is your imagination!


What Our AI System Offers

Our AI System is carefully been designed by our team, to fit every possible project with any genre flawlessly. It has lots of integrations, detailed documentation and numerous tutorial videos included in our official youtube channel.

Advanced AI

Polygon AI is an advanced AI system. It has over 200+ parameter settings to customize for your taste, it can handle AI types such as: "Shooter AI, Melee AI, Unarmed AI, NPC AI, Companion AI, Commanded AI" and much more. It has a built-in Custom Actions system that allows users to make their AI do whatever they want whenever they want.

Optimized AI

The system is really well optimized. It nearly consumes any script-based performance and it can easily run over 500 AI Systems performing in a single scene at the same time (Showcase Below). Our AI performance can be also customized in the inspector too such as the "Detection Frequency".

Ready Integrations

The system also has over 10+ One-Click integrations with other popular assets such as: "Playmaker, HQ Fps Weapons, Opsive, Invector, Neo FPS, Mmfpse, Survival Template Pro"... All integrations require no coding at all, and included in the asset. Our team are frequently adding more integrations as new updates come too!

Essential Add-Ons

As the Polygon AI Teamwe carefully make add-ons for the system. We have made two    add-ons yet which are: "Spawner Add-on & Multiplayer Add-on". And they are seamlessly working with the Core Asset. You can check them out on our website too!

Built-in editors,
Documentation, Tutorials

We worked hard on the documentation and tutorials to ensure that all of our customers, including Unity beginners, could easily use and extend our assets. Our asset includes built-in toolkits that explain every variable for our system, documentation that thoroughly explains and provides examples of how the system works, and a wide variety of video tutorials that demonstrate how to use our Polygon AI System.


With Others

AI Creation


Integrated With Industry Leaders

Our Polygon AI System is compatible with the majority of the most popular Unity asset store assets, including:


Polymind Games

(Neo FPS)






314 Arts

ThunderWire Studios
(Horror FPS Kit)

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Hutong Games


(A* Path)

Explore Our Pricing Options

We provide Subscriptions too. You can get all of Polygon AI Addons for a much cheaper price this way. You can also purchase them individually too, check all of the available options below.

  • Best Value

    Mega Bundle

    Polygon AI - Mega Add-on Bundle
    • Polygon AI - Spawner Add-on
    • Polygon AI - Multiplayer Add-on
    • Downloadable ".unitypackage"s
    • Priority Discord Support & Role
  • PAI - Spawner

    The Polygon AI - Spawner Add-on
    • Polygon AI - Spawner Add-on
    • Downloadable ".unitypackage"
    • Priority Discord Support & Role

Get Ready to Maximize Your Project Productivity With Our Asset Solutions

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